Artwork of Thomas Kinkade

I have climbed the highest mountain
After braving a winter's storm
At the top there was a lighthouse
A place that's safe and warm

I wondered if I'd make it
The way was often rough
But I found I had the courage
My faith was just enough

The wandering and waiting
Gave me time enough to think
Even though my troubled soul
Was sometimes at the brink

If you haven't made this journey
Feeling no hope was in sight
Well, let me tell you now, my friend
At the end there is a light

You won't be as you were before
But you'll find some comfort here
In the place above the storms and gales
You'll overcome your fears

So rest a while and linger
Take time to claim your soul
And know that all is truly well
God's love is in control

Karen Shaw Matteson
© 2002

The height of your accomplishments
will equal the depth of your convictions.

~ William F. Scolavino ~

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All poetry written by Karen Shaw Matteson is copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission from the author herself, if it is found on this site or any other.
Thank you.

Artwork "Split Rock Light" © Thomas Kinkade,
used with permission and not to be removed
from this page...thank you.
Visit Thomas Kinkade - Painter of Light today.

"I Will Be Here" © Steven Curtis Chapman
Arlene's Heavenly Christian Midi's

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Copyright © 2002 "Lasting Light" and
Dreamwork Designs
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