Artwork of Chuck Schenk


There is a place within my heart
Where sometimes I must go
You see, I have some secrets there
That only I can know

When shadows fall across the room
And daylight turns to dusk
My mind turns to this special place
I visit when I must

The way I felt one summer day
Is there for me to find
And the way someone special smiled at me
Well, that is truly mine

These are things I cannot share
Or tell a single soul
The magic is their secret power
That only I can know

Between my dreams and reality
There is a place of rest
I sort through memories so old
And keep those I like best

When the world seems cold and tiresome
I have a place to go
A treasure box of secret thoughts
With the key locked in my soul

Karen Shaw Matteson
© 2001

To do the useful thing, to say the
courageous thing, to contemplate the
beautiful thing: that is enough for
one man's life.

~~ T.S. Eliot

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All poetry written by Karen Shaw Matteson is copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission from the author herself, if it is found on this site or any other.
Thank you.

Artwork © Copyright Chuck Schenk
is used with permission for this site, and is not to be
taken from this page. Thank you.
Visit Schenk Watercolor Art Gallery today.

Midi "The Light of Spirit" from Arlene's Heavenly Midi's

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Dreamwork Designs
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