Glad You're There

A friend is always waiting
Somewhere beyond this screen
We've shared our lives and feelings
Not to mention the odd dream

The world is getting smaller
But my heart is big enough
To accept the caring friendship
You're there when things get rough

If life is like an ocean
We sail from sea to sea
I'm less alone on this long trip
Knowing you're there with me

Accept this hug I give you
It comes right from my heart
True friends are gems that shine so bright
Even though we're worlds apart

So I'll be looking for you
Don't you dare go away and hide
I need the smiles and laughter
Thanks for being at my side

Karen Shaw Matteson

The person who sees a chance
to do a good turn here, and a little
one there, and shed a little light here, and
a little sunniness there, has something
to live for.

Henry Drummond

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All poetry written by Karen Shaw Matteson is copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission from the author herself, if it is found on this site or any other.
Thank you.

Midi "Cantata" is used with permission
and is copyright © 2001 D.W. Folsom

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Copyright © 2001 "Lasting Light"
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