Artwork of Thomas Kinkade


Upon the shores of Evermore
The skies are deeply blue
The flowers bloom in great display
And gather morning dew

The bluebirds sing a special song
Marked with trills so seldom heard
I strain to hear the golden notes
I guess perfection is the word!

The wind blows gentle breezes
That rarely give a chill
And I can't feel sad or lonely
The day is calm and still

The grass is green and tender
A carpet at my feet
And if someone is passing by
We nod, so pleased to meet

I'll stay here til forever
Passes by my open door
And even then, I'll beg more time
To dwell in Evermore

Karen Shaw Matteson
© 2001

Whatever course you decide upon,
there is always someone to tell you
that you are wrong. There are
always difficulties arising which
tempt you to believe that your critics
are right. To map out a course of
action and follow it to an end

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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All poetry written by Karen Shaw Matteson is copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission from the author herself, if it is found on this site or any other.
Thank you.

Artwork © Copyright Thomas Kinkade
is used with permission for this site, and is not to be
taken from this page. Thank you.
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Midi "Will of the Wind" from Arlene's Heavenly Midi's

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