Ice cream cones dipped in chocolate Knowing that you're loved The sun warming cold earth A determined little songbird Friends that forgive you Being able to laugh Karen Shaw Matteson I'd laugh today, today is brief, ~Christina G. Rossetti
A friend who understood
A cool shower on a hot day
This is something good!
No matter if you fail
A sunset and a sunrise
A card in the mail.
So flowers can grow
And show off their beauty
I love this, you know
Perched on the fence
Serenading my morning
For no recompense
When you stumble and fall
And help lift you up
When you don't even call
When you didn't think you could
Simple pleasures bring great riches
Ah yes, this is good!
I would not wait for anything;
I'd use today that cannot last,
Be glad today and sing.
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Midi is Butterfly Fairies from
Original Music Compositions by Geoff